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Experiences of a Dutch Journalist




Aral Sea, February 2000

In search for information on Vozrozdeniya Island in the Aral Sea, I went to the Aralsk, hundred kilometres north of the Aral Sea. The only way to get there is by train. After thirty hours I hoped for some civilization, but I didn't really get it...


UNDP Office in Aralsk. It looks already cold from the outside....


It is cold inside too. Translator Aigul wearing her 'shapka' to keep warm because of the lack of central heating.


Aigul invited me to stay with her family. They had a stove at least, the state hotel didn't. The only thing was that there was no running water. The toilet appeared to be a whole in the ground outside (why do I always have to go to the toilet in the middle of the night when it's -40C?).


Aigul's son is very cute. It was mutual. He started crying the moment I left the house....


Marker in old sea bedding of the Aral Sea, now hundred kilometres from the actual sea shore.


This is what the soil looks like that far from the sea...


The ship cemetery. Dozens of ships in the middle of the steppe.


This is a ship on Vozrozdeniya Island. I came to Aralsk to find out more about this island in the Aral Sea. Unfortunately I didn't manage to get there..... (picture from UNDP Office).


Do you want to know more about Vozrozdeniya Island? Check out the following article: